Guitar and Ukulele woods of Hawaii
Hawaiian Mango Wood

Mango Botanical Name: Mangifera Indica A beautiful Hawaiian Hardwood/. A medium to large tree that frequently grows to around 50-65 feet in height and 2-3 feet in diameter. Mango is hard, moderately heavy, works easily and sands beautifully making wonderful furniture, and musical instruments. The wood has a good bright tone similar to Hawaiian koa.
Monkey Pod

Monkey pod is a tropical hardwood found in Central America and the Pacific regions. As hardwoods go it is low to medium density. From Central America it tends to be a golden color, but from Hawaii it can have beautiful streaks of reds and browns.
Hawaiian Milo Wood

There are those who say that the beautifully grained milo wood utensils, furnishings and jewelry were only for the chiefs of ancient Hawai`i. It is told that the Waikiki home of Kamehameha I was surrounded by milo trees. Although rare today, in old Hawai`i milo was a commonly found tree, cultivated as a shade plant around homes near sunny coastal areas with loose soil. It does not grow in the high inland forests.
Cuban Mahogany

Cuban Mahogany Botanical Name: (Swietenia mahogani) Cuban Mahogany (Swietenia mahogani) is of the Meliacae family It is native to the Caribbean region. Also known as West Indies mahogany and Spanish mahogany. Swietenia mahogoni is the wood that planked the ships of the Spanish Armada. It has been among the most prized and valuable timbers since the late 16th century.
cheap cigarettesHawaiian Koa Wood

Hawaiian Koa comes in a variety of rich golden colors, from light to dark, and often with very strong grain markings, which are beautiful. It very often comes with a very high degree of flame or curl which, in extreme cases, are so intense as to defy description. Koa makes a very balanced sounding guitar. Koa can also vary greatly in it's tone depending on the qualities of the wood. In my experience the lighter the color and weight of the koa wood, the more open the sound will be. as opposed to some of the darker heavier varieties that produce a more focused tone.